Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Socioeconomic Status And Parenting Styles - 869 Words

Economic status affects the quality of life of the family, such as a lifestyle and a family relationship. When parents have a financial problem, they are distressed and cannot have a quality time with children. For example, a low-income status parents have arguments and fight over their financial problems which cause distress such as a depression and an anxiety; in addition, parents have unstable relationship and become impatient or uninvolved for their children. Importantly, parents are the most influential agent of the socialization of children. Therefore, the economic status of parents indirectly affects on the quality of life of children. Importantly, Rebbeca M. Ryan, Amy Claessens, and Anna J. Markowitz (2015) inform that children’s outcome behaviors are affected by their quality of life which indirectly associated with the socioeconomic status. In addition, Liliana J. Lengua,Cara Kiff, Lyndsey Moran, Maureen Zalewski, Stephanie Thompson, Rebecca Cortes, and Erika Ruberry (2014) explain that there is a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and parenting styles and these factors have a huge impact on the outcome behaviors of children. For instance, low-income status parents have a low self-regulation compared to higher-income status parents, which affect their parenting styles (Lengua, L. J., Kiff, C., Moran, L., Zalewski, M., Thompson, S., Cortes, R., Ruberry, E., 2014). Therefore, the family structure and parenting styles are correlated with theShow MoreRelatedParenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child‚Äà ´s Behavior and Habits.1227 Words   |  5 PagesParenting Techniqu es and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits. McNeese State University Abstract Parenting techniques and beliefs are essential to the growth of any child. Parents instill habits, behaviors, and moral sense in to their children at an early age. 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